Telechron Model 8B05 "New Minitmaster"

The Telechron model 8B05 was an updated version of the original "Minitmaster", and was called the "New Minitmaster", for some odd reason.  This clock was available either in black Bakelite or white Plaskon, and was on the market from 1934 to 1936.  It is arguably the most desirable of the upright Cyclometer (digital) Telechrons, esteemed for its Art-Deco styling, and quite hard to find.

To their eternal credit, they abandoned the silly hourglass shaped trim pieces that adorned the sides of the original Minitmaster.

The later cyclometer numeral drums had flat surfaces, which allowed more even illumination, and were easier to set.

The black version of the New Minitmaster had three vertical chrome plated brass rods at the front.  The stress caused by the sharp bend at the top could cause the outer two rods to fracture, so they are often found detached at the top, with the stub end of the rod still glued in place.  They didn't get lost because they were threaded at the bottom and secured by tiny nuts.  The broken end can be bent and reattached, but that exposes some of the threading at the bottom.  There's not enough length to retain the nuts, so they must be glued at both ends.

The numerals on the black version were white-on-black, though I have seen several of these clocks with black-on-white numerals as well.

The upright Cyclometers used small lamps to illuminate the numerals.  The translucence of the white Plaskon case gives the clock a gentle, ghostly glow when lit.  There was no way to turn off the light (apart from loosening the bulb), but they were so dim that the light was never distracting.
All of the Telechron upright Cyclometer clocks featured a little lid on the top which gave access to the numeral drums and the lamp.  The clock was set by manually rotating the drums until the correct time showed in the windows.  The lid was fragile, and is often found with one of the little hinges partially broken off.  Fortunately, a respectably robust spring secured the lid when closed, so they didn't get lost.
