Majestic Model 49-B "Duo Modern"

Majestic 49-B
In 1933, Majestic introduced a spectacular new line of radios, including the model 49-B shown here.  They called it the "Duo-Modern".  The "duo" may have referred to the use of two dual-function tubes which (they claimed) gave its four-tube chassis the performance of 6 tubes.  

There is no question, however, of what the "modern" meant.  Like the Duo-Modern, a number of the other sets shown in the 1933 advertisement (below) are stunning Art Deco designs.  The line also included several console models with posh sounding names such as Park Avenue, Ritz, and Riviera.

These radios were, sadly, built for the mass market at the depth of the Depression.  The cabinets were cheaply made and flimsy, and the chassis were undistinguished.  And, like an aging floozie, they were cast aside as their flashy styling drifted out of fashion.

Majestic 49-B
Majestic 49-B
Majestic Advertisement-9/33

Radio Retailing-September 1933-Click here for a larger version.
