Truetone Model D-1015

Truetone Model D-1015

The 1946 Truetone model D1015 is an interesting set, both for its styling, and for its electronics.  

By the early 1940's, virtually all small table radios used loop antennas.  This one used what they called a "Stratoscope", which was nothing more than a metal plate instead of the usual cardboard back.  This was insulated from the chassis, and was used as an antenna.  While it did work, it didn't work all that well, and they wisely equipped it with a prominent connection for an additional wire antenna.  The radio was permeability tuned, which is to say the conventional variable capacitor was replaced by two variable inductors.  Otherwise, it is a conventional 5-tube AC/DC radio.  

The Bakelite cabinet design is quite striking, with the large, colorful dial dominating the front, and with matching sets of louvers on each side.  Sadly, the dial was not illuminated, which would have been a great touch.  A very nicely done reproduction of this set has been produced using modern electronics and, interestingly, an illuminated dial.

Truetone Model D-1015
